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Blue Roses Bouquet

Blue Roses Bouquet

Regular price $90.00 SGD
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Bring a touch of uniqueness and beauty to any occasion with our Blue Roses Bouquet. These beautiful roses are sprayed with a pearlescent blue shimmer for a subtle bling. Suitable as birthday flowers, graduation bouquet or just because. Surprise someone you love with this delightful bouquet today.


Flowers used: 9 sprayed blue roses, baby's breath, eucalyptus 

Light blue wrapping. Approx size: 33x43cm (WxH)


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Caring For Dried & Preserved Flowers

Keep dried & preserved flowers in a cool and dry area out of direct sunlight. Strong sunlight will accelerate color fading. We highly recommend to keep them in an air-conditioned room.

Caring For Fresh Flowers

Remove the wrapping (for bouquets) and use a pair of floral cutters or pruning shears to trim the stems at a 45 degree angle. Put flowers in a vase of clean water. It is best to trim the stems (cut about 3-4cm off) and change the water every 2-3 days to prevent bacteria from growing.

Delivery To Secured Buildings

Due to individual building security measures, non-residents/staff are not always allowed to enter the lobby or leave items at the reception. We strongly recommend giving us alternative delivery instructions (on checkout page) and to give the recipient a heads up. We greatly appreciate your co-operation.
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